The Evolution of Farmer Jane

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Wholesome Food and Nutrition Education in Schools

In her blog School Bites – one mom’s crusade for better nourished kids at school (and at home!) freelance writer and author Stacy Whitman, a busy mother of kindergarten-age twins, talks about her journey helping to develop and implement wholesome food programs and nutritional education classes in her childrens’ school involving and educating parents and children alike. An advocate for hands-on parental involvement and participation, Stacy enrolled her children in “Cooking Kiddos,” a program created in the fall of 2012 by one of the teachers in her children’s school who has a shared passion and concern regarding the lack of food education in our school systems today. The recipes and cooking activities are age appropriate and completely geared toward the children’s interests and participation levels. Families are also encouraged to participate and support the program by helping in the kitchen and donating ingredients and supplies.

To date, the program has been a huge success with enthusiastic and active participation on behalf of both the parents and their children and this year they created a Cooking Kiddos Cookbook filed with recipes from the participating classes which was sold to the parents for $10 each with proceeds going to fund the program next year.

Watch the teacher behind the Cooking for Kiddos program and her students in action!